Meet our amazing team

The Faces Behind our Success

Ir. Misbahul Huda, MBA

Motivational & Spiritual Leadership Expert

Sahid Sumitro, M.M., CPC, CBC

Proffesional Coach & Mind Therapist

Lucki Lukmanul Hakim, Drs. Psi., M.M., Psikolog

Expert HR System

Meriana Candra Kurniasari, M.Pd

Master Trainer of Proffesional MC

Reza Rifanto, M.Psi., Psikolog, CBSCP, LSMBB

Writer, LEAN Management Expert

Eko Sucahyo, S.T

Design Thinking & Innovation Expert

dr. Hafid Algaristian, MD. Psych

Motivation & Psychiatrist

Adri Suyanto, S.H

Motivation & Communication Expert Trainer

Wiwik Erly, MM, PCC

Financial Coach and Executive Coach

Dr. Nurhalima, M.Pd

Expert in character building

Take Your Business to the Next Level with Our Top-Notch Services

Are you tired of mediocre results? Let our team of experts help you achieve unprecedented success. At PT. Akselerasi Indonesia, we provide customized business solutions tailored to meet your unique needs and goals. Whether you need training, consulting, or coaching services, we have the expertise and experience to help you take your business to the next level. Contact us now to learn more and schedule a consultation.

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